Nobox Concept

Our Vision Of TheBox

For over 5 years we have helped promising startups and surrogate project teams to develop their dreams and build future success stories.
NOBOX is a catalyst of ideas for startups and projects that are positioning themselves as breakthrough solutions for users and consumers alike. As an extension of the breakthrough in terms of usage, we also conduct projects anchored on the Big Data technologies and its predictive applications.

We do not act as a group of mentors, an incubator or investment funds but as a real co-founder involved in the day-to-day decision-making and the management of internal teams. We get involved operationally in the projects we support in order to increase responsiveness, decision-making and arbitration in contexts where permanent adaptation proves a key component to success.

Nobox Family

How We Manage The Box

The cases we develop are always the product of entrepreneurs that carry and share a common dream: to change the world of tomorrow and offer breakthrough solutions.

NOBOX family brings together the most talented people to create the necessary conditions for the emergence of these new concepts. The DNA of its founders impels in these projects an ongoing dynamic of questioning and seeking solutions. Specialists of marketing, commercial and financial web strategies, all members of the NOBOX family share a passion and ambition for business development. The abundance in diverse profiles, backgrounds and experiences make NOBOX a unique ecosystem to foster the emergence of these new concepts. Our Privileged partners and our network on the North American continent (Canada & US) offer a unique opportunity to meet the best talents, interact with project managers and benefit from a boosting growth by optimizing practices.


  • LittleBIGJob LittleBIGJob
  • monBestSeller monBestSeller
  • EasyOr EasyOr
  • D-Stock Habitat D-Stock Habitat


Littlebigjob propose des solutions de data recrutement qui offre de nouvelles perspectives pour les équipes de recrutement
dans la recherche des meilleurs talents


Monbestseller offre des solutions pour publier gratuitement et partager des manuscrits avec ses proches et les professionnels de l'édition.
Une régie online de nouvelle génération pour les auteurs qui cherchent à se rendre visible.


Premier acteur Web 2 Store sur le marché de l’Or Investissement et plus particulièrement sur les formats lingotins.
EasyOr à pour ambition de révolutionner l’accès à des produits Or investissement pour le plus grand nombre.

D-Stock Habitat

Une solution Web 2 Store qui permet d’Acheter pas cher avec un concept on line de Destockage-Habitat !


Business dev

Stage à Saint Nazaire (44)

DStock Habitat recherche pour accompagner son développement marketing et commercial son : Business dev (stage Basé à Saint Nazaire)

Dans un rôle de véritable entrepreneur, vous serez en charge de référencer de nouveaux partenaires et d’assurer le suivi et mise en œuvre des référencements en cours auprès des entreprises, sur le plan stratégique et opérationnel.